
Sound design forms the foundation of any project success but becomes all the more vital in an engineering based project. Initial scope concept through to detail design specification must be thoroughly documented and communicated.

Working with you in a design role, BORG5 take time to understand key technical specifications, overriding project objectives, technical limitations and environmental considerations contributing to the desired outcome. We then combine a rigorous structured approach combined with a ‘keep it simple’ methodology to put a robust, safe yet co-herent design in place.


BORG5 develop project designs to engage with the range of technical and non-technical stakeholders whose views are vital for ensuring project lifecycle stages are realistic.

By analysing early scope requirements, desired outcomes and defining clear objectives we use established processes to identify resources and processes you need to get project design ready for the next step in the approval process.

Defining Design

Scoping – Defining the outcomes and steps toward reaching them seems obvious but is often rushed in the early Design phase. BORG5 will propose a framework to put in place clear design statements and identify logical steps toward implementation.

Requirement Analysis – Ensuring the initial project objectives are met by overall and detail design statements. This simple yet essential feedback phase helps to keep design direction on course.

Secure Work Practice – Your project environment will always need to consider elements within Design to avoid foreseeable security risks. BORG5 ensure a range of security parameters are considered to give you piece of mind that the right people do the right things to the right parts of your network.

Methodology –  In addition to competence in project technology and concepts, BORG5 designers take all reasonable steps to provide the right level of detail about significant deliverables, risks, hazards and other relevant design considerations.

Quality Metrics – Clearly defined statements must be considered throughout the project design to make sure metrics are set for quantity, quality and scheduling your project objectives.

Pricing – Using our own business culture, we are able to contribute toward proposing project costs and margin analysis as part of early review or toward more formal and complete project review stage to senior management.